A-Z Guide


See tickets.

Wheelchair ramps are available on both entrances to the home plate bleachers. Wheelchair spaces are available in the front rows of the home plate, first base, and third base bleachers.

Interested in partnering with the Tom Sox? We offer sponsorships in the forms of outfield banners, digital sponsors, and many more. For more information, visit tomsox.org/sponsorships.

Alcohol is not permitted on Charlottesville High School grounds under any circumstances. Under state law, possession and/or consumption of alcohol on public school grounds is classified as a Class 2 Misdemeanor. All violators of this rule will be asked to leave the stadium and may be subject to prosecution by local law enforcement.

Dogs are allowed at CHO Airport Field at all times if they are leashed and kept with their owner. All other animals are not permitted.
Dogs must not approach the playing field or fences while the game is in progress. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs; no bags are available at the ballpark for clean-up. The Tom Sox are not liable for any injury or other incidents caused by animals at the ballpark.

Apple Pay
See cashless.

There are no ATMs at CHO Airport Field. The concession stand, merchandise tent, and ticket stands all accept cashless payment via PayPal, credit card, or Apple Pay.

Tops, bottoms, and footwear are required by all patrons and team personnel at CHO Airport Field. Anyone not in compliance with this regulation is subject to removal from the ballpark.

Fans may ask players for autographs after the game if they remain outside of the playing field grounds. Please respect that players may deny an autograph request.


Baby Changing Stations
There are no baby changing stations available at CHO Airport Field.

There are no bag restrictions currently in effect at CHO Airport Field. The Tom Sox reserve the right to search any bag brought into the ballpark if it is deemed suspicious by event staff.

Banners & Signs
Fans are permitted to bring banners and signs into the ballpark as long as they are not blocking the view of other fans. If a sign is blocking the view of others, you may be asked to put it away or move to a different location.

Bats & Balls
See safety.

Batting Practice
Batting practice takes place beginning around two hours before the start of the game. Fans are welcome to attend. Please be aware that the team will not take batting practice before every game.

There are no bicycle racks near the CHO Airport Field baseball field. Fans can lock their bicycles on the rear side of the third base bleachers or closer to the school building. The Tom Sox are not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles. 


Cameras & Video Equipment
Fans are welcome to take their own pictures and video of games, as long as they are not blocking the view of other fans. Fans are not permitted to use drones or other unmanned systems near the playing field at any time.

The Tom Sox offer summer camps for kids ages 6-12 every summer, taught by Tom Sox players and coaches. For more information and to register, visit tomsox.org/summer-camp.

Cashless payments are accepted at the concession stand, merchandise tent, and ticket stands. Cashless payments accepted include credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, and PayPal. PayPal is the exclusive cashless payment platform at the merchandise tent and ticket stands.

The Tom Sox welcome all families with children to the ballpark! Parents must keep track of their children at all times before and during the game to ensure that they comply with all team regulations. 

Celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion at a game? Contact us or visit the press box before the game so we can give you a shoutout!

Lawn chairs are encouraged for all fans not sitting in the bleachers. The Tom Sox will not provide chairs for fans. For more information on ballpark seating, visit tomsox.org/ballpark.

Code of Conduct
All fans are subject to the Valley Baseball League Code of Conduct, which is read before every game and posted throughout the ballpark and at tomsox.org/conduct. Fans who do not abide by the code will be asked to leave the ballpark.

The Tom Sox are committed to collaborating with the Charlottesville community through various partnerships and non-profit activations. We are proud to feature our Non-Profit of the Game program, which spotlights a local non-profit during every home game at no cost to the organization. If your organization is interested in being the non-profit of the game, visit tomsox.org/non-profit-inquiry. For all other requests, including player appearances or community partnerships please contact us.

The Tom Sox are proud to partner with Ben & Jerry’s® to provide concessions at all games. Items include Ben & Jerry’s® Ice Cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, and other ballpark snacks. For more detailed information, visit tomsox.org/ballpark.

Corporate Partnerships
See advertising.


Donations are a critical part of our operation, and help us fund much of our operations every summer. Donations help cover the cost of equipment, meals, transportation, and many other areas that are critical to maintaining our operation. For more information and to donate, visit tomsox.org/donate.

Drones and other unmanned aircraft flown by fans are not permitted around or on the playing field at any time. Violators of this rule will be asked to leave the ballpark.


If a medical emergency occurs during your time at a Tom Sox game, please alert the nearest event staff member and dial 911. Emergency services are located near Charlottesville High School and will respond immediately. 
For lightning and other weather-related policies, see lightning.

There are two entrances and exits to the Charlottesville High School facility; off of Grove Rd and Melbourne Rd. The ballpark is not enclosed and fans are welcome to enter and exit at any safe location. For more information, see parking.


Face Coverings
Face coverings are not required at CHO Airport Field. This rule may be updated based on local, state, or federal regulations.

Fan Interference
Fans are not permitted to touch or otherwise interfere with any ball in play. Fans who interfere with a ball in play are subject to removal from the ballpark.

Chain-link fencing is located around the ballpark, and an increased-height section is present behind home plate between each dugout. For safety reasons, fans are not permitted to hang on or stick fingers inside of the fencing at any time.

Firearms and other weapons carried in any form are strictly prohibited at Charlottesville High School under Virginia law. Any violators of this policy will be asked to leave the ballpark immediately and may be reported to local law enforcement. 

First Aid
The Tom Sox are committed to the safety of all fans before and during every game. If first aid is required, contact the nearest Tom Sox staff member for assistance.

Foul Balls & Home Runs
Fans are encouraged to return foul balls and home run balls to the concession stand in exchange for a select food or merchandise item. If requested directly by team or game personnel, bats and balls that make their way into the stands must be returned. Balls may not be thrown onto the field; any violators of this policy are subject to removal from the ballpark.


Group Tickets
If your group is interested in attending a game, please contact us and we may be able to offer a discounted rate or other packages.


Hitting Facility
The CHS hitting facility is located down the right field line of the ballpark. Fans are prohibited to enter the hitting facility at any time and are asked to stay away from the front or back of the building.


Each fan assumes all risk, danger and injury incidental to the game of baseball or related activities, whether occurring before, during or after the actual play of the game, including, but not limited to: the danger of being injured by thrown or broken bats, thrown or batted balls or other objects, or by others in attendance. If you would like to lessen your risk, we encourage sitting on the center field hill, where foul balls will not travel.



See children.


Laser Pointers
Laser pointers are not allowed at CHO Airport Field under any circumstances. Violators may be asked to leave the ballpark.

See mascots.

Tom Sox officials are constantly monitoring the weather to maintain the safety of all players, team personnel, and fans. If lightning is detected within eight miles of the ballpark, play will be stopped and fans will be asked to shelter in their vehicle. The game will not resume until there are no lightning strikes detected for 30 minutes after the last strike.
If a game must be suspended or postponed due to weather, the Tom Sox will communicate via official social media channels, the team website, and in-stadium announcements.

Lost and Found
Items that are lost during Tom Sox games will be returned and secured in the press box. If retrieving a lost item, please contact us or send us a message on social media to arrange a pickup.

Lost Children and Persons
Please report any lost children or others to the nearest Tom Sox representative.


Prairiewether Lewis (“Lewie”) makes his home at CHO Airport Field every summer and enjoys interacting with fans and players alike. Fans are welcome to approach the mascot for photo opportunities. The Tom Sox ask that all fans treat the mascot with respect and do not roughhouse or perform other violent activities near the mascot.

Local, regional, and national media are welcome at CHO Airport Field, and the Tom Sox will make every effort to accommodate media organizations. Media are permitted to shoot photo and video throughout the ballpark. Press box facilities are unavailable, but the team is able to offer a space above the press box if desired for coverage. Contact Media Director David Argo for more information.

Merchandise and Apparel
Tom Sox merchandise and apparel is for sale at every home game at the merchandise tent, located in the parking lot near the third base side. Apparel for sale includes t-shirts, hats, hoodies, and other team gear. Additional apparel is available on the Tom Sox online store.


National Anthem Singers
The Tom Sox are always looking for community members interested in singing the national anthem before games! Performers are asked to arrive 15 minutes before the start of every game and will receive free admission for their entire party. To apply, contact us.

Artificial noisemakers (including but not limited to: air horns, sirens, electronic amplifiers, and cowbells) may not be used in any way that disrupts the game or communication between players and team personnel.

Charlottesville Community Baseball, Inc. (doing business as Charlottesville Tom Sox) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For any inquiries regarding the organization, please contact us.

Non-Profit of the Game
See community.


Official Game
A game is considered official after five innings are complete, or 4½ if the home team is ahead. If a game is stopped before it is considered official, it must be resumed at a later time or date.

Outside Food and Beverage
Outside food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted at CHO Airport Field. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.


For information about parking at CHO Airport Field, visit tomsox.org/ballpark.

Postponements & Halted Games
If a game is postponed or halted after gates are opened, the Tom Sox will communicate updates via official social media channels, the team website, and in-stadium announcements. Ticket holders to the original game will receive complimentary admission to the new game or resumption by mentioning their status at the ticket stand.

A full game program for every home game is available on tomsox.org.

Prohibited Items
Visit tomsox.org/ballpark for a full list of prohibited items.

Visit tomsox.org/promotions for a full list of promotional dates. If your child would like to participate in an in-game promotion, notify a member of the Tom Sox promotions staff. Requests are not guaranteed to be granted.



Raffle (50/50)
The 50/50 raffle is your chance to win while supporting the Tom Sox! Tom Sox players and staff members will sell raffle tickets early in the game and announce the winners during the sixth, seventh, or eighth innings. 50/50 sales are cash only and ticket holders must be present when the winning ticket is announced to pick up their winnings. The winner will receive 50% of the winnings, while the other half will support the Tom Sox’s operations and expenses.
Ticket prices: $3 for one strip, $5 for an arm’s length (“stretch”)

Fans are not allowed to leave and re-enter the stadium without purchasing a new ticket. Please contact the nearest event staff member with any concerns.


Season Tickets
Season tickets grant guaranteed admission to all home games during the particular season. Tickets are now on sale and include both a physical version (delivered via mail) and QR code. Tickets are transferrable, but every individual entering the ballpark must have their own ticket.
Purchase tickets at tomsox.org/season-tickets.

For information on seating accommodations and locations at Charlottesville High School, visit tomsox.org/ballpark.

Smoking, vaping, and the use of e-cigarettes or other smokeless tobacco is prohibited within the confines of Charlottesville High School. Smoking must take place in the parking lots away from the ballpark and all products must be properly disposed of.

Strollers are permitted at CHO Airport Field. The Tom Sox ask that all strollers be kept away from walkways and other access points to facilitate ease of access for all guests. No storage locations will be provided for strollers.

The Tom Sox welcome all suggestions on how we can improve our fan experience. Please contact us and we will be happy to connect.


All fans attending Tom Sox games must purchase a ticket upon entering the Charlottesville High School facility or display a purchased season ticket. Exceptions will be provided on designated free admission nights (which will be prominently displayed and announced), and when otherwise announced. For more information, visit tomsox.org/tickets.


Umbrellas are permitted to be brought into the ballpark if they are not blocking the view of other fans.


Valley Baseball League
The Tom Sox are proud members of the Valley Baseball League, the Gateway to the Majors. For information on the VBL and its 12 teams, visit valleyleaguebaseball.com.

Visiting Teams
Visiting teams with game day requests should contact the Tom Sox GM at [email protected]. Fans must treat the visiting team with respect and abide by the Valley Baseball League Code of Conduct.

Visiting Team Fans
Visiting team fans are guests of the ballpark and must be treated as such. Harassment of the visiting team or their fans will not be tolerated and will be grounds for removal from the ballpark.


Water Fountains
One ground hydrant is present at CHO Airport Field next to the third base bleachers. Fans are welcome to fill water bottles using the ground hydrant.

Firearms and other weapons carried in any form are strictly prohibited at CHO Airport Field under Virginia law. Any violators of this policy will be asked to leave the ballpark immediately and may be reported to local law enforcement. 

The Tom Sox are unable to provide wheelchairs to guests. We are happy to accommodate those who have a wheelchair and can bring it to games. For more information, see accessibility.

WiFi is unavailable to fans at CHO Airport Field.




Tom Sox logo




Add to Calendar

Outlook Calendar/Office 365

Currently, Microsoft does not support our format of live calendar. They do, however, support downloaded files. Follow these instructions to add to Outlook:


Click this link to download the calendar file to your computer.

2. Visit Outlook’s calendar view, press Add Calendar, then Import ICS.
3. Select the ICS file you downloaded and the calendar you’d like to import to, then click import.
Please note that this format does not support live updates of game dates and times.

Other Calendar

Follow these instructions to add to your calendar app:

2. Find the function in your chosen calendar app to add a calendar by URL. It may be called “subscribe via link” or “add shared calendar”. Paste the link there, then press the respective button to add to your calendar.

If such a function does not exist, click the below link to download the calendar file and upload it to your calendar app. Please note that this calendar will not update if game dates or times change.
Tom Sox Calendar

Tom Sox Poker Tournament

March 23 – 7 PM – Elks Lodge