Season: 2023

Ty Hooks

Jayden Davis

Anthony LaSala

Jhoander Irigoyan

Dakota Miller

Daniel Stephens

Jaden Anderson

Devin Colon

Cole Schiff

Dallas Hairfield

Shaun Munoz

Peyton Fisher

Blaze Osaben

Anthony Boccio

Eli Burwash

Brock Mercado

Aidan McDonald

Daniel Quintana

Jacob Smith

Caleb Stewart

Ryne Guida

Chayce Bryant

MJ Rodriguez

Brennan Hudson

Dan Swirsky

Jason Marlowe

Hunter Fansler

Ty Gill

Lane Pearson

Jason Cheifetz

Jacob Marlowe

Chad Heiner

Derek Bermudez

Brady Whitacre

Morgan Little

Preston Joye

Broedy Boyce

George Dobkowski

Jarrett Bond

Cole Stamm

Josh Nielsen

Santiago Guerrero

Bere Bauers

Hunter Smith

Austin Ford

Noah Lukas

Ryan Storey

Joe Jaconski

Ty Johnson

Tomas Sanchez

Ryan Cainzos

Jackson Howard

Scott Mudler

Caleb Sturtevant

Joey Parliment

Cooper Clapp

Joel Gardner

Jeffrey Snider

John DeMucci

Peter Fasciglione

Nate Earley

Noah Canterbury

Brady Maciak

Owen Prince

Jacob Matheney

Joe Martino

Caid Sanders

Evan McDade

Tank Yaghoubi

Jack Torosian

Conner Butler

Quinn Rooks

Keith Savoy

Alonzo Paul

Charles Crawford

Jaden Sheffield

Ethan Serrano

Johan Franco

Austin Tommasini

Jackson Gimbel

Sam Slevin

Matt Giberti

Ben Barrett

Trent Kiraly

Sean Barnett

Gunnett Carlson

Tyler Borges

Micah Morgan

Cameron Harris

Sean Culkin

Dominic Castellano

Miles Jamieson

Casey Smith

Aiden Alexander

Jose Perez

Matthew Martinolich

Jacob Havern

Grant Adams

Jacob Heath

Campbell Cleveland

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Google Calendar

Follow these instructions to add to your Google Calendar:

2. Click the following link to visit Google. Paste the copied link into the URL field then click Add Calendar to complete the process.

Outlook Calendar/Office 365

Currently, Microsoft does not support our format of live calendar. They do, however, support downloaded files. Follow these instructions to add to Outlook:


Click this link to download the calendar file to your computer.

2. Visit Outlook’s calendar view, press Add Calendar, then Import ICS.
3. Select the ICS file you downloaded and the calendar you’d like to import to, then click import.
Please note that this format does not support live updates of game dates and times.

Other Calendar

Follow these instructions to add to your calendar app:

2. Find the function in your chosen calendar app to add a calendar by URL. It may be called “subscribe via link” or “add shared calendar”. Paste the link there, then press the respective button to add to your calendar.

If such a function does not exist, click the below link to download the calendar file and upload it to your calendar app. Please note that this calendar will not update if game dates or times change.
Tom Sox Calendar

Tom Sox Poker Tournament

March 23 – 7 PM – Elks Lodge